"Summerschool: detecting and interpreting landscape transformations" 23-27 settembre 2013

Dal 23 al 27 settembre 2013 viene organizzata dal Dipartimento dei Beni Culturali: archeologia, storia dell'arte, del cinema e della musica all'interno del Progetto IrAAhl una Summerschool internazionale sul tema "DETECTING AND INTERPRETING LANDSCAPE TRANSFORMATIONS".

Monday, 23th September 14:00-19:00
Theorical Landscapes
- G.P. Brogiolo (University of Padua): Detecting and interpreting landscape transformations: some introductive reflections
- A. Reynolds (University Colege, London): New Directions in Medieval Landscape Archaeology: An Anglo-Saxon Perspective'
- J.M. Martín Civantos (University of Granada): Biocultural Memory and Archaeology. Linking Etnoecology and the History of Material Culture through Landscapes

Tuesday, 24th September 14:00-19:00
New techniques in remote sensing: Lidar and Radar
- S. Crutchley (English Heritage) : Can’t see the wood for the trees? Using airbrne Lidar in interpreting archaeological Landscapes?
- D. Powlesland (University of Cambridge): Landscape to Lostscape: 35 years of multi-sensor and multi-period research into the archaeological landscape of the Vale of Pickering

Wednesday, 25th September 14:00-19:00
Bioarchaeological studies
- G. Fiorentino (University of Salento): The reconstruction of Landscape by in-site and off-site archaeo-paleo botanical analyses
Archaeology of the incultum
- S. Burri (Aix Marseille University): For an archaeology of incultum : methodological aspects and field application in Provence (France)

Thursday, 26th September 14:00-19:00
Reading the soilscape and the anthropic impact in its evolution
- R. Langohr (Ghent University): Basics in archaeopedology
- C. Nicosia (Université Libre de Bruxelles): Soil micromorphology and human impact on the landscape
- Y. Devos (Université Libre de Bruxelles): Phosphate in soils, hidden traces of human activity

Friday, 27th September 8:30
Predictive modelling and Interpreting land capability analysis
- C. Citter (University of Siena): Evaluating the environmental sustainability of human settlements
Radar immaging and Geobia
- A. De Guio (University of Padua): Radar imaging and Geobia approaches in Remotely Sensed landscape Archaeology

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