Students must carefully evaluate for which call they should register considering their career status
(exams, laboratories, thesis).
The graduation calendars of the School of Human Sciences are published here:
All enrolment fees must be paid before starting the graduation procedure. Please check that you have followed the payment procedures correctly.
- The maximum number of guests for each graduating student is 15 people. Entry to the building will only be permitted at the time indicated in the announcement register.
- Graduating students must make arrangements with their Supervisor (for a bachelor’s degree) or their Supervisor and the Co-Examiner (for a master’s degree) regarding the delivery of a hard copy of the thesis. DELIVERING A HARD COPY OF THE THESIS (for both bachelor’s and master’s degrees) TO THE ACADEMIC OFFICE IS NO LONGER NECESSARY.
Online procedure for submitting an application for graduation
The procedure for submitting an application for graduation consists of two steps:
- Providing the thesis title and the name of the Supervisor
- must log in on the Uniweb portal the title of their thesis (both in Italian and English) and the details of the thesis supervisor; the supervisor must approve the title of the thesis from their personal page on Uniweb;
- will receive a notification, sent to their institutional email address (, following the approval of the thesis title by the supervisor;
(Only after receiving this notification, the procedure for entering the application for graduation will be activated on the student’s Uniweb page.)
2. Completing the application for graduation
- will be enabled to complete the application for graduation;
will have to complete the Almalaurea questionnaire; - will confirm the application for graduation;
- following confirmation, the MAV payment slip for the revenue stamp (€16.00) associated with the application will be automatically generated and the payment must be done on the date of confirmation of the application: a printout of the MAV payment slip for the revenue stamp is available in the section “Right to University Studies -> “Payments” on the right-hand menu, and also on the personal Uniweb page.
Online delivery of the thesis
Review the guidelines for uploading the final document for the final examination at the link:
The final thesis file must:
- be in PDF/A format
- have a maximum size of 40 MB
- the file name must be written in the following format: Lastname_Firstname.pdf (e.g. Rossi_Mario.pdf)
The thesis must be uploaded on Uniweb within the deadlines set by the Academic Calendar of the School of Human Sciences.
For further information on deadlines, payment of tuition fees, registration on Almalaurea, student manuals and guidelines and more, see the dedicated section on the main website at the following link:
What should I do if I no longer seek to graduate?
- You need to cancel the application for graduation submitted to the Student Office (Lungargine del Piovego) via Uniweb;
- You must notify the following addresses by email: - -
Please note that payment is still mandatory even in the case of withdrawal from the graduation session.
Students are invited to complete the first step as soon as possible within the first part of the available period, so that the supervisor can give their approval in time, allowing them to submit their application for graduation.
What should I do if I need to change the TITLE of the THESIS?
A request to change the title of the thesis can ONLY be made by the supervisor.
When and where is the master’s degree discussion schedule published?
The discussion schedule will be available about 7 days before the date of the discussion on the website of the Department of Cultural Heritage on the dedicated page.
I need to create a PowerPoint/PDF/Video presentation: what do I do?
Technical assistance during the thesis discussion: technicians from the audio/video and photographic laboratories provide technical assistance to assess whether the room is properly equipped to make audio-visual content available during the thesis discussion.
Once you have determined, together with your Supervisor, that presenting your thesis with the aid of an audio-visual presentation can be useful, you may, up to a maximum of 10 days before the date of the discussion, contact the DBC Assistance Office (email: to deliver, check and upload your audio-visual file.
The required features of supported audio-visual files are listed in the attached form, along with the interventions that can be requested.
In any case, unless previous consultancy agreements have been properly made between the Staff and the Supervisor while working on the thesis, assistance does NOT include creating the work, which is the student’s responsibility, nor its revision.
Please contact the staff at: You can download the assistance request form here.
Download the form in DOC format.
Further information can be obtained from the Department’s Academic Office.